Paul Booth | High Carb Fuelling For Ultramarathon
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In this episode of the podcast I speak to Paul Booth, sports nutritionist.
Paul has carved out a career working with elite ultramarathon runners at his testing facility at Leeds Beckett university and specialises in high carb fuelling and performance.
In this episode we talk about the newest trend to sweep ultramarathon running, ingesting 140-150g of carbohydrates per hour, a vast increase from the previously recommended maximum of 90g per hour.
We talk about the possible pros and cons of this new approach and whether athletes like David Roche are outliers, or are in fact at the tip of the spear of this revolutionary new approach to in-race fuelling.
Paul also talks about his ongoing research and upcoming ultramarathon nutrition conference next year.
For details of how you can get involved with Pauls studies on ultramarathon runners and his upcoming ultramarathon conference, contact Paul directly at Leeds Beckett University -
Alternatively, see Pauls website for more details on the above and his nutrition plans for runners.